Xunit.Sdk Namespace Reference


class  AllException
 Exception thrown when an All assertion has one or more items fail an assertion. More...
class  ArgumentFormatter
 Formats arguments for display in theories.
class  AssemblyTraitDiscoverer
 The implementation of ITraitDiscoverer which returns the trait values for AssemblyTraitAttribute. More...
class  AssertActualExpectedException
 Base class for exceptions that have actual and expected values More...
class  AssertCollectionCountException
 Exception thrown when the collection did not contain exactly the given number element. More...
class  AssertComparer
 Default implementation of IComparer<T> used by the xUnit.net range assertions. More...
class  AssertEqualityComparer
 Default implementation of IEqualityComparer<T> used by the xUnit.net equality assertions. More...
class  AssertEqualityComparerAdapter
 A class that wraps IEqualityComparer<T> to create IEqualityComparer. More...
class  BeforeAfterTestAttribute
 Base attribute which indicates a test method interception (allows code to be run before and after the test is run). More...
class  CollectionException
 Exception thrown when Assert.Collection fails. More...
class  ContainsException
 Exception thrown when a collection unexpectedly does not contain the expected value. More...
class  DataAttribute
 Abstract attribute which represents a data source for a data theory. Data source providers derive from this attribute and implement GetData to return the data for the theory. Caution: the property is completely enumerated by .ToList() before any test is run. Hence it should return independent object sets. More...
class  DataDiscoverer
 Default implementation of IDataDiscoverer. Uses reflection to find the data associated with DataAttribute; may return null when called without reflection-based abstraction implementations. More...
class  DataDiscovererAttribute
 An attribute used to decorate classes which derive from DataAttribute, to indicate how data elements should be discovered. More...
class  DoesNotContainException
 Exception thrown when a collection unexpectedly contains the expected value. More...
class  DoesNotMatchException
 Exception thrown when a string unexpectedly matches a regular expression. More...
class  EmptyException
 Exception thrown when a collection is unexpectedly not empty. More...
class  EndsWithException
 Exception thrown when a string does not end with the expected value. More...
class  EqualException
 Exception thrown when two values are unexpectedly not equal. More...
class  ExceptionAggregator
 Aggregates exceptions. Intended to run one or more code blocks, and collect the exceptions thrown by those code blocks. More...
class  FalseException
 Exception thrown when a value is unexpectedly true. More...
interface  IDataDiscoverer
 This class is responsible for discovering the data available in an implementation of DataAttribute. The discovery process may not always have access to reflection (i.e., running in Resharper), so the discoverer must make a best effort to return data, but may return null when there is not enough information available (for example, if reflection is required to answer the question). More...
interface  IMessageBus
 Used by discovery, execution, and extensibility code to send messages to the runner. More...
class  InlineDataDiscoverer
 Implementation of IDataDiscoverer used to discover the data provided by InlineDataAttribute. More...
class  InRangeException
 Exception thrown when a value is unexpectedly not in the given range. More...
class  IsAssignableFromException
 Exception thrown when the value is unexpectedly not of the given type or a derived type. More...
class  IsNotTypeException
 Exception thrown when the value is unexpectedly of the exact given type. More...
class  IsTypeException
 Exception thrown when the value is unexpectedly not of the exact given type. More...
interface  ITestCaseOrderer
 A class implements this interface to participate in ordering tests for the test runner. Test case orderers are applied using the TestCaseOrdererAttribute, which can be applied at the assembly, test collection, and test class level. More...
interface  ITestFrameworkAttribute
 Marker interface that must be implemented by test framework attributes, so that the test framework attribute discoverer can find them. More...
interface  ITestFrameworkTypeDiscoverer
 Interface to be implemented by classes which are used to discover the test framework. More...
interface  ITraitAttribute
 Marker interface used by attributes which provide trait data. More...
interface  ITraitDiscoverer
 This interface is implemented by discoverers that provide trait values to xUnit.net v2 tests. More...
interface  IXunitTestCase
 Represents a single test case from xUnit.net v2. More...
interface  IXunitTestCaseDiscoverer
 Interface to be implemented by classes which are used to discover tests cases attached to test methods that are attributed with FactAttribute (or a subclass). More...
interface  IXunitTestCollectionFactory
 This interface is intended to be implemented by components which generate test collections. End users specify the desired test collection factory by applying CollectionBehaviorAttribute at the assembly level. Classes which implement this interface must have a constructor that takes ITestAssembly and IMessageSink. More...
class  MatchesException
 Exception thrown when a string does not match a regular expression. More...
class  MemberDataDiscoverer
 Implementation of IDataDiscoverer for discovering MemberDataAttribute. More...
class  NotEmptyException
 Exception thrown when a collection is unexpectedly empty. More...
class  NotEqualException
 Exception thrown when two values are unexpectedly equal. More...
class  NotInRangeException
 Exception thrown when a value is unexpectedly in the given range. More...
class  NotNullException
 Exception thrown when an object is unexpectedly null. More...
class  NotSameException
 Exception thrown when two values are unexpected the same instance. More...
class  NullException
 Exception thrown when an object reference is unexpectedly not null. More...
class  ParameterCountMismatchException
 Exception to be thrown from theory execution when the number of parameter values does not the test method signature. More...
class  PlatformSpecificAssemblyAttribute
 Marks an assembly as a platform specific assembly for use with xUnit.net. Type references from such assemblies are allowed to use a special suffix ("My.Assembly.{Platform}"), which will automatically be translated into the correct platform-specific name ("My.Assembly.desktop", "My.Assembly.win8", etc.). This affects both extensibility points which require specifying a string-based type name and assembly, as well as serialization. More...
class  ProperSubsetException
 Exception thrown when a set is not a proper subset of another set. More...
class  ProperSupersetException
 Exception thrown when a set is not a proper superset of another set. More...
class  PropertyChangedException
 Exception thrown when code unexpectedly fails change a property. More...
class  RaisesException
 Exception thrown when code unexpectedly fails to raise an event. More...
class  RunSummary
 Represents the statistical summary from a run of one or more tests. More...
class  SameException
 Exception thrown when two object references are unexpectedly not the same instance. More...
class  SingleException
 Exception thrown when the collection did not contain exactly one element. More...
class  StartsWithException
 Exception thrown when a string does not start with the expected value. More...
class  SubsetException
 Exception thrown when a set is not a subset of another set. More...
class  SupersetException
 Exception thrown when a set is not a superset of another set. More...
class  TestFrameworkDiscovererAttribute
 Decorates an implementation of ITestFrameworkDiscoverer that is used to determine which test framework is used to discover and run tests. More...
class  ThrowsException
 Exception thrown when code unexpectedly fails to throw an exception. More...
class  TraitDiscoverer
 The implementation of ITraitDiscoverer which returns the trait values for TraitAttribute. More...
class  TraitDiscovererAttribute
 An attribute used to decorate classes which implement ITraitAttribute, to indicate how trait values should be discovered. The discoverer type must implement T:Xunit.Sdk.ITraitDiscoverer. More...
class  TrueException
 Exception thrown when a value is unexpectedly false. More...
class  XunitException
 The base assert exception class More...
class  XunitTestCaseDiscovererAttribute
 An attribute used to decorate classes which derive from FactAttribute, to indicate how test cases should be discovered. More...