class | AssemblyTraitAttribute |
| Attribute used to decorate an assembly with arbitrary name/value pairs ("traits"). More...
class | Assert |
| Contains various static methods that are used to verify that conditions are met during the process of running tests. More...
class | ClassDataAttribute |
| Provides a data source for a data theory, with the data coming from a class which must implement IEnumerable<object[]>. Caution: the property is completely enumerated by .ToList() before any test is run. Hence it should return independent object sets. More...
class | CollectionAttribute |
| Used to declare a specific test collection for a test class. More...
class | CollectionBehaviorAttribute |
| Used to declare the default test collection behavior for the assembly. More...
class | CollectionDefinitionAttribute |
| Used to declare a test collection container class. The container class gives developers a place to attach interfaces like IClassFixture<T> and ICollectionFixture<T> that will be applied to all tests classes that are members of the test collection. More...
class | FactAttribute |
| Attribute that is applied to a method to indicate that it is a fact that should be run by the test runner. It can also be extended to support a customized definition of a test method. More...
interface | IAsyncLifetime |
| Used to provide asynchronous lifetime functionality. Currently supported: More...
interface | IClassFixture |
| Used to decorate xUnit.net test classes and collections to indicate a test which has per-test-class fixture data. An instance of the fixture data is initialized just before the first test in the class is run, and if it implements IDisposable, is disposed after the last test in the class is run. To gain access to the fixture data from inside the test, a constructor argument should be added to the test class which exactly matches the TFixture . Class fixtures must have a single parameterless constructor, and may take collection fixture types as constructor arguments. More...
interface | ICollectionFixture |
| Used to decorate xUnit.net test classes and collections to indicate a test which has per-test-collection fixture data. An instance of the fixture data is initialized just before the first test in the collection is run, and if it implements IDisposable, is disposed after the last test in the collection is run. To gain access to the fixture data from inside the test, a constructor argument should be added to the test class which exactly matches the TFixture . More...
class | InlineDataAttribute |
| Provides a data source for a data theory, with the data coming from inline values. More...
interface | ITestCollectionOrderer |
| A class implements this interface to participate in ordering tests for the test runner. Test collection orderers are applied using the TestCollectionOrdererAttribute, which can be applied at the assembly level. More...
class | MemberDataAttribute |
| Provides a data source for a data theory, with the data coming from one of the following sources: More...
class | MemberDataAttributeBase |
| Provides a base class for attributes that will provide member data. The member data must return something compatible with IEnumerable. Caution: the property is completely enumerated by .ToList() before any test is run. Hence it should return independent object sets. More...
class | Record |
| Allows the user to record actions for a test. More...
class | TestCaseOrdererAttribute |
| Used to decorate an assembly, test collection, or test class to allow the use of a custom T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCaseOrderer. More...
class | TestCollectionOrdererAttribute |
| Used to decorate an assembly to allow the use of a custom T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCollectionOrderer. More...
class | TestFrameworkAttribute |
| Used to decorate an assembly to allow the use of a custom T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestFramework. More...
class | TheoryAttribute |
| Marks a test method as being a data theory. Data theories are tests which are fed various bits of data from a data source, mapping to parameters on the test method. If the data source contains multiple rows, then the test method is executed multiple times (once with each data row). Data is provided by attributes which derive from DataAttribute (notably, InlineDataAttribute and MemberDataAttribute). More...
class | TheoryData |
| Provides data for theories based on collection initialization syntax. More...
class | TraitAttribute |
| Attribute used to decorate a test method with arbitrary name/value pairs ("traits"). More...